Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Thirst by Varsha Bajaj

One of my friends asked me last week if I had read the Global Read Aloud section for this year- Thirst.  Since I've not read ANY  young adult books this summer, I thought I should probably pick it up.  

Thirst is a fairly easy read.  It is the story of Minni, a girl in grade 8 who lives in Mumbai.  Her family has very little money, but work very hard.  Each day, just getting water is an ordeal.  Her mother has to line up early in the morning in the hopes that she can get enough water to carry back home for her family.  There are times when there isn't enough water and there are thieves who steal the water and then sell it back to the community at a very high price.  One night, Minni sees this theft taking place which puts her and her family at risk.  As events play out, Minni begins to realize that in some homes in Mumbai, there is an abundance of water - in taps, toilets and even a swimming pool. Minni learns about how some people in some neighbourhoods don't warrant fresh running water, while others who can afford many luxuries, have water easily accessible.    

I enjoyed reading this story, I liked learning about life in Mumbai and it really made me think about water and how much of an impact not having it has on the people.  I can see late Junior classes really enjoying this story.  You can check out the Facebook group here for other classrooms reading this book in the Fall of 2022.


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