Thursday, May 16, 2019

Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis

I've seen this book being talked about on Twitter, and even looked at it at Chapters one night.  But last week when I saw one of the girls at school reading it, and when I asked her how she was liking it, she raved about the book.  I asked her if I could borrow it when she was done (thanks Olivia!) and she gave it to me last week.  I'm so glad she did! 

Five Feet Apart, which has just been made into a movie is the story of teenagers living with Cystic Fibrosis - a fatal genetic disease that attacks the lungs and digestive system.  The main characters in this story are Stella, a young girl who is determined to follow all the rules and is convinced that that will let her beat the odds at surviving CF.  Poe, her best friend in the hospital who also tries following all the rules, but also wants to experience life.  Then there is Will- he has recently been diagnosed with B. cepacia a complication of CF that has no cure and is certain to end his life sooner than later.  Will is determined to live his last few years of life, really live. 

Stella and Will meet and they must stay five feet apart in order to protect each other from spreading their disease and making things worse for each other.  Of course when two people with very different views of how to live a life come together, sparks are going to fly. 

This is a great story, not only in informing readers about CF, but also about how important it is to live your life to the fullest, no matter how long you have left.  I really enjoyed all the characters in this story, everyone could see themselves in one of these characters.  I can see why the girls are loving this book, I know it is one I will put on my book shelf as well. 

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